Clean Team Signature 50 ML
Clean Team Signature is a light, long lingering, clean, aromatic blend of citrus, florals, and amber, with hints of lemon and lime intertwined with delicate florals and a warm bottom note of sandalwood. This fresh scent is ideal for office, casual days, and weekend getaways.
Head Notes: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Citrus
Heart Notes: Jasmine, lavender, Rose
Base Notes: Violet, Amber, Musk, Sandalwood
50 ML 1.7 oz. 30% oil-based concentration
Clean Team Signature is a light, long lingering, clean, aromatic blend of citrus, florals, and amber, with hints of lemon and lime intertwined with delicate florals and a warm bottom note of sandalwood. This fresh scent is ideal for office, casual days, and weekend getaways.
Head Notes: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Citrus
Heart Notes: Jasmine, lavender, Rose
Base Notes: Violet, Amber, Musk, Sandalwood
50 ML 1.7 oz. 30% oil-based concentration
Clean Team Signature is a light, long lingering, clean, aromatic blend of citrus, florals, and amber, with hints of lemon and lime intertwined with delicate florals and a warm bottom note of sandalwood. This fresh scent is ideal for office, casual days, and weekend getaways.
Head Notes: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Citrus
Heart Notes: Jasmine, lavender, Rose
Base Notes: Violet, Amber, Musk, Sandalwood
50 ML 1.7 oz. 30% oil-based concentration
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